Email address and phone number for media inquiries
Phone: (08) 8999 1831
Twitter: @CourtsinNT
Suppression orders
Journalists intending to publish details of cases in which a non-publication order may have been made should make their own enquiries by searching the Court file (if available) or contacting the Public Relations Officer (NT Courts and Tribunals).
The Supreme Court has also made available to the media all Suppression Orders made in the matter of R v Zachary Rolfe as well as the trial transcript.
Media accreditation
Members of the media can apply for accreditation. Accreditation is not a requirement to cover court matters but will enable journalists to undertake some privileges not afforded to those who don't have accreditation (such as using voice recorders and phones inside court).
To apply read the Media Policies and Practices guide and submit a signed copy of the final page along with credit card details and a recent headshot to
Accreditation covers all courts in the NT and NTCAT.