The Honourable Thomas Alexander Wells

Thomas Alexander Wells served as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory from 1933 to 1952.
Justice Wells was born at Wallace town near Wagga Wagga in New South Wales on 10 February 1888.
He was married on 2 March 1910 to Martha Mary Doris Myers and in 1913 took up a position as court reporter with the New South Wales Supreme Court.
Justice Wells served with the AIF in Egypt Britain and France and was eventually discharged as Corporal in 1919.
Justice Wells studied part-time at the University of Sydney and was admitted to practice on 31 July 1924.
Well's appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory was announced on 21 August 1933 and he was welcomed to the bench on 27 September 1933 when he took over from Acting Judge William Sharwood.
After the Japanese air-raids on Darwin on 19 February 1942, Wells ordered the release of prisoners from Fannie Bay Gaol and took control of the evacuation of hundreds of survivors.
Justice Wells continued to work in Darwin after the raids and often conducted court in trying circumstances including sometimes under a tree.
Justice Wells suffered a stroke in February 1951 and eventually resigned from the bench.
He died in Darwin on 13 September 1954 and the Wells building (since demolished) carried his name for many years.