Associate Justice Vince Luppino

The Associate Judge is Vincent Luppino. The Associate Judge is a member of the Court and performs such duties as are assigned by an Act or the Rules or an order of a Judge. The Associate Judge may also exercise the powers of, and perform the duties of, the Registrar or other officers of the Court.
Under the Supreme Court Rules the Associate Judge’s jurisdiction includes:
- Interlocutory Applications.
- Case management and directions hearings.
- Settlement Conferences and Mediations
- Assessments of damages
- Accounts and enquiries
- Taxations of costs
- Approval of compromises on behalf of persons under a disability.
- Applications under various acts including the Service and Execution of Process Act, the Aged and Infirmed Persons Property Act, the Land Title Act, the Law of Property Act (including applications for possession of land).
- The trial of an action for personal injury
- The trial of any proceeding if the parties consent or a Judge orders.
- Applications for the extension of a limitation period
In addition, the Associate Judge has full jurisdiction to deal with proceedings under specified Acts, notably the Corporations Act and the Family Law Act.
The Associate Judge has limited authority in relation to criminal proceedings namely, the conduct of Criminal Callovers and applications under the Bail Act.
The Associate Judge also conducts the case management under the Motor Accidents (Compensation) Act.
The Associate Judge is ex officio the Chairperson at meetings of the Admission Board and is a Marshall and Registrar under the Admiralty Act.
Prior to 22 November 2017, this office was called Master of the Supreme Court.
Stuart Dodds SM | 1954 - 1959 |
Haynes Leader SM | 1959 - 1961 |
Kenneth James Bagshaw | 1961 - 1963 (Acting) |
Frances Robert Alexander Elvidge | 1963 - 1969 |
James Patrick Morrison | 1969 - 1976 |
Narendra Patel | 1976 - 1985 |
Phillip LeFevre | 1985 - 1993 |
Terence Francis Coulehan | 1993 - 2009 |
Vincent Luppino | 2009 - 2017 |